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  Veterans for Peace Chapter 72
Portland, OR

ACTION/News Conference: Veterans Oppose Drums of War
Friday June 27, 2014, 11:00 AM-12:00 Noon,
Portland Federal Building (SW 3rd between Madison and Jefferson)

Veterans and their allies will hold a picket line and news conference opposing the renewed US military intervention in Iraq this Friday, June 27 from 11 AM to noon at Portland's Federal Building at SW 3rd and Madison. Organized by Veterans for Peace Chapter 72, the speakers will include veterans of various wars making connections among the current US policies at home and abroad, past and present.

"We have bombed Iraq into a failed State and it is no surprise it is disintegrating before our War Foreign Policy Eyes," said Daniel Shea, a US Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran. Veterans For Peace has a membership that spans the combat years of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and many interventions in between, so they know the monstrous face of war and the ugly truth, all wars were unnecessary.

Shea added: "Wars are the designs of empires and tyrants coveting land, minerals and power. The Empire sometimes wars to divide one people against the other lest they unite and rebel against their masters and if they do rebel they must be severely punished. Iraq had been forced to surrender under the iron heel and to accept the cruel hands of a false Democracy but now has dared to rebel against our puppet Nouri al-Maliki. There is only one solution and it is an Iraqi solution the U.S. must get out and stay out."

The message for Friday's action is clear: No More War! No More Dead & Wounded!
Stop Wasting Lives for Lies and Care for the Veterans here and now!

The action is organized by VFP Chapter 72 with support from Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against War, Military Families Speak Out, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility and American Friends Service Committee.

We are all a part of a community that supports peace and demand political not military solutions to resolving disputes and belligerent conflicts.

More info: Daniel Shea, Veterans for Peace Chapter 72 503-750-7649




Info on our June 17 action
  Portlanders Say NO
  to More US Bombs in Iraq!


Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page posted January 2, 2014, last updated February 22, 2014


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